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Shooting Personally

The last few months my mind has been in wedding world, shooting interiors, trips to Maryland, wedding details and design, and bridal showers. My sister is getting married in five days!!! I have to remind myself to pick up the camera and shoot for myself. Shoot the everyday that I love and can over look when running from one thing to the next. After getting back my scans from St. Lucia I decided the next rolls I would shoot for myself. Anytime I would have picked up my camera I instead picked up the Contax 645. It made me slow down and frame each shot. I received my scans over the weekend and it just reminded me how rewarding it is to shoot for yourself. Receiving and looking at the images made me want to shoot more of our everyday on film. Some images were not crisp and I am still learning. Overall, I was pleased with the photographs, love the color, and so happy with the FIND LAB who developed and scanned my images. Enjoy pieces of my everyday!


our home

Snow in late March…we had to make one more snowman!

reading on our kitchen floorsEaster

Myla and her great grandfather who we love and call Pa!

The picture of the two of them is my favorite on this roll.

and playing in her kitchen, cooking up some soup!

love these! that sneak peek of your home and kitchen floors makes me want to see more :)

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