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Summer ending, blueberry scones, and tardiness the first day of school!

First, summer has ended. School started today and it is too soon for me! I remember only starting school after Labor Day, never before. I was very tempted to boycott school today but decided that would not be a great example. Myla is going to Pre-K this fall. Making decisions as parents is difficult and I am so thankful for older and wiser friends and parents who help you navigate this parenting thing. We had many conversations of whether or not to send her to kindergarten. I was originally set on sending her to kindergarten. In the end everyone has said you will not regret sending her to Pre-K again. Plus I get another year with her in the home. And I really like that. Plus there will be change in the fall with the little sprout coming and this will be best for our family.

This morning I was woken up early by some kicks (A small side note: I just love feeling the kicks and could stay in bed for hours being amazed that there is a little person growing inside of me!!). Despite wanting to stay in bed, I decided to get up and get ready, make some blueberry scones, pack lunch, and make sure we would be out the door on time. You can find the delicious scone recipe here. Another side note: Not only is Mary a wonderful photographer but a great baker as she served them to me this past month when I visited her in NY. We sat on her porch and chatted about life, children, and photography. The scones were an added bonus. I had two that morning, they are that good!

A lesson learned this morning is that making a new recipe is not the best idea when you need to get out the door on time. I thought I had plenty of time. However it was not just the scones. Curling the hair, a few extra pictures, and forgetting her nap mat as we were driving down the road were also several things that made us only a couple minutes late this morning to Pre-K. Hopefully the blueberry scones given to the teachers will make up for my tardiness! ENJOY!!!

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